A real performance booster for your fleet!   

Does strong quality and cost performance go hand in hand in your day-to-day work?

And would you agree that not only your crew but also office staff ashore must manage a high volume of data every day to:

  •  ensure vessel’s performance

  • fulfill the required reporting of CO2-emission to the IMO or EU

  • be prepared for CII and EEXI, including MEPC 2022 guidelines on correction factors and voyage adjustments for CII calculations

  • keep track of the consumption and stocks of fuels and lubes

  • be compliant to the charter party in terms of speed and consumption

  • get full Thetis support


The modern web-based soft- and hardware SDBnet platform was developed to exchange data between non stationary vessels and an centralized stationary data base at shore.

Data are manually reported by the vessel crew and optionally collected by additional hardware components directly from available sensors on board. The collected information is transmitted to shore side and processed by the office system where it is being displayed for further analysis.

Monitoring modules for the full ship performance, shaft power, trim/list, fuel consumption as wall as the electrical energy are available.

At shore fleet wide tools can be used to monitor key performance indicators and reporting behaviour, which support you in identifying problems early and preventing speed and consumption claims. On demand drill down analysis enables further investigation as required.

 The SDBnet platform and its reporting and automatic data logging modules are the overall solution for an effective, efficient and fully transparent high data volume sharing between crew, ship owners, charterers and managers.

We deliver a holistic approach to fleet management, which is combining manual reporting by crew and automatic data collection from various sensors on board. All data are combined in the cloud and shown in the SDBnet software for an easy and fast evaluation.

We are only using high quality hardware to provide a stable platform for data acquisition on board ships worldwide. As accurate fuel consumption and engine power are crucial for vessel performance evaluation, our portfolio is also including flowmeters, energy counters and our own shaft power measurement system “PMSnet”. However, our data logging modules are also capable to process data of various other sensors.

Customers can configure data collection as needed, provided that data is available via a standardized interface.